Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Blogger's block, blogger's block. Can't find something to blog about. That kind of explains my long absences.

Registration took a long time yesterday. It was disorganized, as usual, but I expected worse. I'm in Champaca this year. It doesn't bother me in any way right now, actually. Now I have one more thing to do at home: try to figure out all the new textbooks.

I've also started drawing again. Yay. The laziness is wearing off and the motivation is coming back. The thing is, my drawing style has yet to improve. Oh, man.

Blogger's block.

Signing off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey gray!

my class is 2-Rosal

anyway... i have a shortlist of your classmates for 2-Champaca in my blog. And I also have lists for other sections.

Just check it out. Thanks, and have fun this sophomore year!