Friday, April 07, 2006

I'm under time pressure now. My sister is going to chat with someone soon, so I'll be typing really short stuff.

Report cards were out this Wednesday. I guess my results were okay. A few subjects went down, but I'm still in the DL. Guess I'll type some more about it if I can.

Organizing a children's party is harder than I thought. The third in our family is having her 7th birthday soon and I'm hosting the games. It's hard to make up games, considering their age and capacity. I was planning some requiring more of wit and flexibility, but I guess not many of the kids will appreciate it.

Now that I'm on vacation, I have all the time to play video games unlike on school weekends. I finally got my hands on Wild Arms 4 and I can't stop playing. I don't enjoy the plot much, but the gameplay is highly addictive.

Time's up. Signing off.

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