Sunday, March 12, 2006

Relief Valve

What does a relief valve look like in a schematic drawing? The Tech Prep long test was harder than some of the other quarterly tests. Math is still the hardest.

The academic year is done.

Because of that, I'm not really thinking of what I'll do at school, except for our self-portrait project in Art and the Val Ed. film. Another thing is about my lost locker key. How am I going to be cleared by the Property office if I can't open it? I really have to find it.

We ate out yesterday with my family at a Japanese restaurant. I had my fill of sashimi after a long time. It's great to go on an outing without thinking of stuff to do for school afterwards. I miss that feeling.

I've already thought of stuff to do during the summer vacation. I'm taking swimming lessons so I won't have a hard time in P.E. like I did this year. I also accepted the advanced math classes offer that I got from the review center I used to go to for the high school entrance tests. Hopefully I'll be able to save money this week for stuff like art materials or video games for the rest of the summer. Expect that I will update Neo Wings, or you may lynch me.

And that's about it for now. Signing off.

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