Friday, March 31, 2006

A Way to Start the Summer

I'm finally done getting my clearance signed. I'm a second year student already!

Meep. my weirdness is coming back, after long days of idleness. Is it a good thing?

Now, I'm really on a break. I started my summer vacation by cleaning out my room of the things that stress me out and rearranging it so everything feels refreshed.

This involves:

  • dumping other peoples stuff that accumulated in my room in their respective places (their rooms, in the trash)
  • shredding unwanted documents (diary entries that make no sense or are too angsty, failing Math homeworks and quizzes, uninteresting handouts, scrap drawings)
  • getting my jackets ready for the summer! La Nina is here. This is my favorite kind of weather.

I've already done these stuff and the room is still a mess. I could have continued if I hadn't turned on the computer.

Oh, yeah. I've started a Johari and Nohari window. Just thinking I could learn more about myself from them. Check the sidebar.

To Batch 2009, see you at card giving day. :)

Congratulations to the graduating batch at school, whose commencement exercises are today.

To everybody else, enjoy the weather.

Are you Addicted to the Internet?

45% (41% - 60%)
You seem to have a healthy balance in your life when it comes to the internet and life away from the computer. You know enough to do what you want online without looking like an idiot (most of the time). You even have your own Yahoo club or online journal! But you enjoy seeing your friends and going out to enjoy life away from your computer.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Quiz Me!

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