Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hello, once again.

I'm still playing around with the Adobe Photoshop CS my cousin gave me. It's a bit hard to figure out.

Last week's achievement tests were okay, except for Math. I worked on three-fourths of the items, only sure of at least half, then shotgunned the rest. It was the most stressful of the achievement tests. SocSci was also tricky.

Next week brings regular classes, more deadlines and more afternoon talks with friends. I'm only looking forward to the last thing I mentioned.

I took the Blogging Personality Quiz at About Web logs and I am...

The Daily Grinder
I love blogging because it's like therapy. I can write about anything and everything that happens to me - from the food I ate to what I was doing when I heard the latest 'breaking news'. Being able to communicate with my friends (online and/or real life) through my blog is important to me.

Will post again. Signing off.

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