Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Last Week Stress

Just a few more days until our one-week vacation starts. But I'm under the weather, still. I still have the cold I had for 2 months and am sleeping past 12 am, waking up at 4:50 am. My scores in homework and seatworks aren't so good, but I couldn't review them because of too much homework. I'm going through my I-don't-feel-good-attractive-or-popular-enough mood.

I'm just updating to let people know that I'm still here. Sorry, I'll try to make a better post next time.

1 comment:

the.volty.lass said...

oh... that will be alright, everyoody could be in hectic timetable at times, just remeber to have a rest day once a week. I don't wanna read on ur next post that ur collapsing! ^_^ so yeah.. take care.