Saturday, July 02, 2005

2nd Post This Week! Hah!

Second post this week! Very rare, those things.

So I wasn't able to post yesterday, like I said. I fell asleep before I got to take over the computer.

I'm still at home, doing nothing. I've finally started doing my homework, heh. Mom went to a seminar today and Dad is still in the province. I'm the only one here to fend my younger siblings from "Teh Eveeeel Bossang Aunt". My older cousin is supposed to help look after us today, but he fell asleep again. Life is getting complicated every single day. But change means adventure, and adventure is always a good thing.

We were able to name the five newborn puppies, or at least two of them. Everyone agreed that one will be called Pluto (TGQ-inspired, or Disney?). I named one of them Shinji. I planned to call the others Shinya, Shintaro, or Shinnosuke, and received a bop on the head from my sister.


You are Tamahome!  As a lover and a fighter, you're the best of both worlds.  You're quick to a fight and slightly slow to anger.  At least when it comes to your love.  No matte
You are Tamahome!

Which Fushigi Yuugi Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are...Genjo Sanzo!
Genjo Sanzo

Which Saiyuki Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


the.volty.lass said...

haha! Nice name, though! ^^

Jude said...

Wow, you think they're good? Sis thinks I'm watching too much anime.