Monday, July 02, 2007

The Problematic Child Whines Once Again

After cooling off for a while, the thing I was about to asphyxiate myself for seems like just another problem right now, and a sign I need to take anger and stress management seriously.

And another problem pops up. I just got reminded that the final draft for the Filipino essay is due next week. The next essay, which is a long test, will be on the same week. One more essay is due by the end of the month. And I remembered that I'm not really good at writing in Filipino. Finally, after remembering the other problems I have with academics, I now ask myself whether I'm going to survive this quarter with my sanity intact.

There's also the STR requirement for Wednesday which I'm not done with yet.

And I suspect I left my pencil case in the Bio classroom this morning. Does that earn me an IR?

What a horrible way to start the week. Two very negative posts on the same day.

You don't have to mind me, though. I'll get over it. Somehow.

...How was I going to deal with things again?

Signing off.

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