Sunday, March 27, 2005

Summer To-do List

(I was supposed to post this a week ago, but I was busy, then banned from using the computer for a few days and had to completely avoid it during the Holy Week as a sacrifice. I thought it's better to post it late than never.)

Finally, school is over. No more tests, piles and piles of homework, psycho classmates, schedules that drive me insane, and all those stuff. So, now that I'm on vacation, I've got lots of time to do as I please. I've started making a list of thing to do before school starts on June.

1. Lose at least 5 pounds
2. Organize the clutter in my room
3. Finish Growlanser 2 and Growlanser 3

That's all I can think of right now; I'll probably add some more a bit later.

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