About school:
So, the load is getting heavier already, long tests are near, and the teachers are getting serious already (maybe not that serious, they're really fun), but I'd rather deal with these than all the house work during my summer break with boredom in the middle.
My playboy cousin keeps asking me if there I have seen some cute schoolmates at school. The answer is yes, actually *blushes*.
Now that I think of it, I'm finally happy at school. Back when I was in preschool, I would always cling to Mom when she brings me to school. Elementary was okay, but there were times I would get tired of the monotony of everything there and pretend I'm sick. High school is really fun (sans projects, homework, reports and tests. There all part of school, so I can't do anything about it).
About other stuff:
I ran out of money!
My acne broke out again. That's not a new thing.
And that's the end of Slacking Time. Until next week!
(Man, can't I think of better titles for posts?)
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